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5 Health Benefits of Greens Powder Supplements


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Everyone wants to find a quick and easy way to support their health. Greens powders could be just the thing to do that! Greens powders are supercharged nutritional supplements that you can mix into smoothies, yogurt, applesauce, water, or anything that you’d like.

While greens powder contents may vary according to different brands, most green powders are often a mixture of dried leafy greens, seaweedalgaeherbs, fruits, and other vegetables.

Greens powders pack a huge healthy punch when it comes to high-density nutrition! With supercharged nutrition, ease of use, and ultra-convenience, a greens powder could be a great addition to any healthy diet.

Read on to find out five ways you’re missing out if not taking a greens powder and what nutrients to look for in one!

‌‌‌‌1. Greens Powder Can Help Your Skin Glow

With summer right around the corner, getting that dewy glow is at the top of your list. A greens powder could help you do just that! Many greens powders contain something called spirulina. 


Spirulina is a blue-green microalga that grows in both fresh and saltwater.

Studies link these amazing algae to a whole host of health benefits like increased immune function and better overall health. Studies also show that taking spirulina is associated with better skin and hair quality.

Some studies even suggest that these antioxidant-rich algae can protect against ultraviolet (UV) damage to the skin when taken internally as a dietary supplement. UV damage occurs when unprotected skin is exposed to sunlight.

UV damage is not only associated with sunspots and wrinkles but also premature skin aging and skin cancer. Many greens powders include spirulina precisely because of its amazing health benefits. 

The Best Supplements for Glowing Skin: Read more.

‌‌‌‌2. Greens Powders Can Help Improve Immunity

While eating healthy can give your immune system a huge boost, many people don’t like the taste of vegetables. If you’re one of the people who knows that you should eat healthier but can’t convince your palate to do so, then a greens powder may be just the answer for which you look. Greens powders come packed with nutrients.

Many greens powders get their green color (and name) from the dark leafy greens and green vegetables they contain. These vegetables, such as spinach, kale, collards, and broccoli, have loads of vitamin CK, and A, which help to boost immune function.

Vitamin C

Vitamin C acts as a powerful antioxidant to protect the body from free radical damage while supporting special immune cells called natural killer cells to eliminate any foreign invaders attacking the body.

Vitamin K

Research suggests that vitamin K, especially in the form of vitamin K2, is immunomodulatory. That means that it can ramp up or turn down the immune system as needed in the fight against foreign invaders. Vitamin K is also essential for healthy bones.

Vitamin A

Vitamin A is another essential vitamin when it comes to immune health. Vitamin A helps increase the number and types of white blood cells, which help fight any foreign invader that enters the body. Having low vitamin A levels not only leads to a weakened immune system but also poor skin health. Vitamin A also helps increase collagen production in the skin, helping it stay smooth and youthful. 

Top 10 Natural Supplements to Optimize the Immune System: Read more.

‌‌‌‌3. Greens Powders Can Help Give you More Energy

In this day and age, it seems there are more tasks to be done than hours in the day. After a long day’s work, you barely have any energy to spend time with friends, family, or plain enjoy time alone to yourself. Taking a greens powder could change that! While greens powders may not contain all the vitamins and minerals of a multivitamin, they come packed with nutrients like selenium and iodine.

Selenium & Iodine

These nutrients are essential for thyroid health. Iodine is necessary to make the thyroid hormone that controls growth, development, and metabolism. Selenium acts as a powerful antioxidant that protects thyroid health from free radical damage. Most greens powders come packed with these necessary nutrients!

If the body doesn’t get these nutrients, you could experience low thyroid function. Low thyroid function gets linked to a whole host of health issues, including bloating and puffiness, weight gain, fatigue, and even depression.

A greens powder can help boost thyroid health by giving the body the selenium and iodine it needs, leading to better thyroid function. A healthier thyroid leads to more energy, and more energy leads to doing more of what you want to do. Just think of the energy a greens powder could give!

The 10 Best Supplements for an Energy Boost: Read more.

‌‌‌‌4. Green Powders May Reduce Allergy Symptoms

It’s that time of the year when the birds are singing, the flowers are blooming, and there’s pollen everywhere. If that sounds like a disaster to you because of seasonal allergies, then a greens powder may be what you’re looking for!


Greens powders usually have that amazing microalgae spirulina added into them. Research suggests that these algae can help improve the symptoms of allergic rhinitis. Allergic rhinitis includes the runny and itchy nose, nasal congestion, and reduction in the sense of smell that so often goes along with seasonal allergies.

Studies show that spirulina not only improved the symptoms of allergic rhinitis but also reduced inflammation and improved quality of sleep, work, and social interactions.

Taking a greens powder also can help improve the diversity of bacteria in the gut. Increasing the diversity of the gut microbiome can lead to better gut health. Better gut health has decreased seasonal allergies and allergic rhinitis.

4 Antihistamines To Help Relieve That Itchy, Sniffy, Sneezy Feeling: Read more.

‌‌‌‌5. Greens Powders Can Help Improve Regularity

Constipation is one of the most uncomfortable conditions a person can experience. Constipation describes difficult, incomplete, or painful bowel movements or less than three movements a week. Constipation correlates to many different health concerns like hemorrhoids, anal fissures, and fecal impaction.

Constipation correlates to an unhealthy gut microbiome or an imbalance of gut bacteria. While laxatives are usually the go-to therapy for constipation, they can stop being as effective with prolonged use; many may not feel comfortable using laxatives for such a long time. A greens powder can help improve regularity.


Greens powders contain fiber. Fiber is a type of carbohydrate that the body can’t digest. Once taken into the body through the diet, fiber helps to keep the digestive tract moving. It also helps make the stool soft and easy to pass.

Adding more fiber into the diet can be as easy as adding a greens powder into the diet. That helps improve stool quality and bowel movements. Greens powders contain not only fiber but also magnesium.

Magnesium is a mineral needed for over 300 different functions in the body. Magnesium also helps relieve constipation by drawing water from the surrounding tissues and into the intestines. That helps to soften stool and makes it easier to pass. Taking a greens powder can help improve bowel movements and gut function by relieving constipation.

Natural Approaches to Constipation: Read more.

So there you have it! Five ways that you’re missing out if you’re not taking a green powder. If you haven’t tried one, you’d be surprised at how beneficial for your health it can be!


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  2. Yogianti F, Kunisada M, Nakano E, et al. Inhibitory effects of dietary Spirulina platensis on UVB-induced skin inflammatory responses and carcinogenesis. J Invest Dermatol. 2014;134(10):2610-2619. doi:10.1038/jid.2014.188
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